Cosmetic Teeth Whitening has become a top trending service for years, who doesn’t want a beautiful bright smile right? Don’t know what Cosmetic Teeth Whitening is? That’s why we are here. Teeth Whitening is a cosmetic procedure performed by a trained technician in which a hydrogen peroxide gel is applied to the tooth surface. This gel helps lighten and remove stains and discolouration from your smile. The gel is combined with an LED light that opens the pores of your teeth allowing the product to penetrate and work its magic! Our product is Health Canada Approved, Also is a professional dental gel, and you’ll receive minimal to no sensitivity after the treatment. The average results are 4-12 shades brighter. Results can last 6-8 months if proper hygiene is maintained. Teeth Whitening Service takes 1 full hour it is broken into 4 sessions of 15 minutes. Come on in sit back and enjoy your bright smile!
1 Hr Session $150
Bride & Groom $249
Package of 3 $389
*1 session can be used every 6 months*
After Care Teeth Whitening:
For a minimum of 24 hours after treatment avoid consuming coffee, tea, cola, soya sauce, red wine, and berries!
It is also encouraged to avoid smoking/vaping the first 24 hours.
If you experience any sensitivity, it will be temporary. Please take an Advil to help relief the pain and using sensitive toothpaste should bring you immediate relief.
It is suggested you brush and floss as directed by your dentist.
Rinse after meals to help maintain your bright smile.
Your smile will continue to whiten after 24 hours after your appointment!